The Blue Lake Conservancy District has no employees.  Two independent contractors are responsible for the ongoing daily operation of the utility along with a Board of Directors who meet at least monthly, on the first Monday of each month, and as called periodically by Public or Legal Notice.  

Richard "Rick" Hamilton, Jr. is the Maintenance Superintendent and responsible for the daily operation of the sewer utility, infrastructure, and pumps. He can be reached at 260-450-4598.

Amy Goodwin is the Financial Clerk and responsible for the financial office.  She also creates and processes all sewer bills and payments, establishes and terminates residential services, and is the face of the sewer district on a daily basis.  Office hours are 10 am - 2 pm, Tuesday and Thursday.  The Finance Clerk can be reached at the BLCD office at 260-693-0281 or 260-450-6035 or by email at

If you have problems with your sewer service, please call RICK HAMILTON at 260-450-4598.   If your sewer hub's RED LIGHT is on, you should immediately contact the Maintenance Superintendent.

The Board Of Directors, including President Lisa Waterman, Vice President Randy Dunn, Treasurer Darlene Ramus, Secretary Vince Simmers and Director Steve Shrock, are available at the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors held the first Monday of each month, unless that Monday is a holiday and then the following Monday, at 7 p.m.   If you have matters you feel should be brought before the board, please contact the office at 260-693-0281 and/or write an email to

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